How was your christmas?
Hahahas, it was a very very very simple christmas for me this year.

On Christmas Eve, was at boyf's house
and he was going to eat vegetarian food with his parents
and i didn't wanna go so i went home!
No offence but Vegetarian food for x'mas is just kinda weird?
Hahaha, all my friends went drinking and clubbing and stuff!
In the end Doreen and her boyf came to pick me up to watch movie @ balestier!
Lol! my 1st time there, super ulu place!
Went to watch BodyGuards and Assassins.
Hmm, honestly not sure what i feel about this movie,
i looooove a good perfect ending, although it has some really kick ass action scenes,
but in the end everyone dieeeeeed! Boohoo.
Even donnie yen, wtf.
Okay anyway, Went home after the movie and
watched another christmas-y movie online!
hahahhas, half dead by then. Fell asleep in bed while watching the movie
and woke up @ 830am to prepare to go for church service. :x

Awesome seeing my childhood friends after a long time!
hahahs, we practically grew up together.
It was like the both of them and another guy friend
who taught me how to ride a bicycle!
I rmb they like grab the back of my bicycle
and run after me and i pedal!
lol. so cute :x

After church, went to grandma house to visit her
while waiting for boyf to finish his event so he can come pick me up!
Went to boyf house and watch show/slack/shop online with boyf/eat
(LOL! For once boyf maid's cooking is good!)
And presents!
Grandma bought me a diamond snowflake pendant,
mummy & grandma is sponsering me $$$ for my hongkong trip in two weeks,
boyf bought me a Canon Selphy photo printer!
and my colleagues bought me a fujifilm instant camera!

Haahahs, initially i asked boyf to buy me that, but he refused
and complained that i bought two cameras this year already
- my samsung nv4 & Canon Ixus 100
need so many camera for what!
But i want an instant cameraaaaaaa~~~)
hahahas, seems like everyone is encouraging me
to camwhore more this year! :D
sooooo, that's the end of my christmas!
ahhhhh my hong kong trip is finally confirmed!!!
Going with adelynn in two weeeeeks!!!
Sick of singapore's sunny weather!
Freaking aweeeeeesome lor,
i've never been overseas with my friends before!
And i have two friends in hk! So fun!
Life hasn't been good to me these two days,
far from gooooooood, I'll have to say it's bloody miserable instead.
Honestly i don't even know where to start.
Had a chat with pamela,
and both our love life is like, the SHITZZZ right now.
totally SHITXZXZX in the long gao kinda SHITZ.
Cancerians are so poor thing!
I wanna abandon my zodiac and be like LEO or GEMINI or
whatever that will go out play and flirt and not put
so much shitxzxz in the relationship and when i ends
it totally tear us apart.
Only that i can't. I'll always be me.
I've no idea what's with the ZXZX, so don't ask me please.
What an awesome christmas gift.
WTF christmas coming then what am i gonna do on xmas day?!
Anyway, i was around labrador park area with leon
and i was feeling so bored/stuffy/wanna die
i escaped to the ladies for 5 minutes..
and went for a short walk outside the resort..
in my 4 inch high heeeeeeeels...
a short 5 minutes walk brought me to the labrador jetty area..
another 15 min to the jetty/sit sit/couple pak tor area..
damn fucked up lor, normally also don't see so many lovey dovey couple,
when my love life is down the dumpster
then see all these lovely paktor sweet sweet couple.
Damn pissed off until i wanna cry.
another 15 min to the entrance to the fort.. blah blah area
Very scary lor.. gloomy gloomy weather,
somemore last time was a fort.. blah blah leh,
confirm alot of people die there right?!
Somemore walk thru the whole park dark dark
also nobody around! So scared bump into ghost you knowwwww!
But.. i was like damn emo so i tried to not think about the ghost ghost stuff,
i mean the more you think the more you'll imagine all these stuff right!
Damn funny sign i saw at there!
Super emo but when i saw the sign and i was laughing to myself. -.-
Trees and branches may fall.
T A K E C A R E. *Branch poke man's head*
Like majiam damn casual and sacastic lor!
My favourite place @ labrador park.

Sigh, i deserved to be loved wholeheartedly right?
If you're not going to, stop hurting me already,
i'm not something you can put on hold.
Random pictures at work, last month, or last last month,
i dunno, lost track of time, there was this cat tea party @ Strip
and people brought their cats etc.
Lol, jasmine is mad crazy scared of kitttttttties!!!
Next time she bully me i wanna go find a kitty and make it sit on my lap.
my dear adelynn & mr oh-so-super-grumpy face popiah
(Lol, it's our PR manager janet's kitty, called POPIAH!
Ordered "ginger tea" from the bar below our workplace the other day.

And us VERY VERY happily downing our "ginger tea",
KAN PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAI !!!!! 乾杯! 乾杯! 乾杯!
Went home and change & went to Shanghai Dollies.
WTF, damn cheena that place.
Lol, cheena but high already what music also can high! wtf.
That time after 2 bottles of white wine @ society bar
and more martell mix @ dragonfly i got high with CANTO POP?!
WTFFFFFF. Think of it i wanna slap my retarded puking face.
With my darling manager doreeeeen, supervisor jasmine, and meeeeee.Aiyah, y'all just look at pictures okay.
No mood to blog already. ):
Emo elmo.

Damn pervert lor my manager's face. LOL!

Lol, happily posing at the camera, didnt know behind me SO DRAMA!
I also dunno why were we holding hands?!
Dawn the pervert!
Haahahs, we sabo-ed doreen and shouted to the performer
and told them it's doreen's birthday.
Then the performer call this guy that he thought look like MARK LEE?!
to come over to our table and take picture with my poor doreeeeeen.
HAHAAHS he came over after LOTS of persuasion from the performer,
see her super turn off face!!!!

Lol, damn wei qu.
Sabo-ed her to drink waterfall.
End up i think yellow/beijing101 drink all and not doreen luh -.-

Lol, that white shirt uncle who dragged dawn up the stage damn gross lor.
later that night i think too high liao,
i think he thinks that his body is very hot,
take off his shirt somemore!!! Ewwwww...uncle.. not young already you know..
Dawn damn high!

Ok, end of the night.
Sigh, i'm still feeling.. i dunno.. like crap?
Cheer me up somebody? )':Somebody tell me why am i always at the receiving end of all the shitz?
I don't wanna say anything that i'd regret, but i'm really hurt.